How do you fit the universe on a t-shirt? What did Shakespeare know about science? And how do you make it as a science writer in Canada?
Author, journalist and broadcaster Dan Falk, recipient of the 2019 Fleming Medal for Excellence in Science Communication, answers all this and more as he appears in conversation with science journalist Amanda Gefter.
We are pleased to welcome our Honorary Vice Patron, The Honorable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, who will address the audience about the importance of science communication.
Credit: Sara Desjardins Photography
About Dan Falk
Dan’s award-winning work spans many formats. He is well-known for his books and articles, but also radio documentaries and a popular podcast. You can find more information about his work on our blog.
About Amanda Gefter
Amanda Gefter is a science journalist and author of Trespassing on Einstein's Lawn. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Nautilus, Nature, The Atlantic, Scientific American, Quanta, BBC Earth and NOVA Next, among other publications. She was previously the Books and Arts editor at New Scientist magazine and a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT. Her writing focuses on fundamental physics and cognitive science. Alongside Dan Falk she co-hosts BookLab, a podcast about popular science books.