SciCommTO Conference 2020
Experienced science communicators and newcomers alike join forces to tackle the biggest issues in science communication.
Conference Toolkit
In the Press
Conference Materials
+ About the Conference
Scientists in Canada recognize the need to communicate their work with the public. Many want to do so, but with issues like climate change and vaccination more prominent than ever, good communication is vital. In fact, poor science communication may do more damage than no communication at all. With approximately 70% of Canada’s top jobs now requiring some level of science, technology, engineering or math (STEM), it’s disheartening that despite huge activity in youth STEM programming, only 22% of Canadian youth express a lot of interest in pursuing science at the post-secondary level.
Building networks among scientists and communication professionals alike is essential to developing a healthy and vibrant science culture in Canada. Innovation in science communication (or ‘SciComm’) won’t happen without connecting these communities, sharing Canadian experiences and learning about related work from around the world.
That’s why RCIScience and the SciXchange at Ryerson University partnered to bring you the SciCommTO Conference 2020 - a cross-sector meeting bringing together practitioners from a range of science communication disciplines. Experienced science communicators and newcomers alike tackled the biggest issues in science communication, shaping an engaged Canadian science communication community through idea exchange and sharing best practice.
This pilot initiative from the SciCommTO Network focused on moving the sector forward. With a look to the future, we’ll also learned from the past, exploring case studies from other countries, and considering perspectives and learnings from those outside of the SciComm sector.
Conference Co-Hosts
Venue Sponsor
Conference Sponsor
This conference is made possible thanks to a Promo Science grant from The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Lunch Sponsor
Science Rendezvous is an annual festival that takes science out of the lab and onto the street! It will take place nation-wide on May 9, 2020. We thank them for providing lunch on Friday.
The Science Discovery Zone (SDZ) follows and teaches evidence-based innovation by providing experiential-learning opportunities to its members and providing business incubation opportunities to its entrepreneurs. We thank them for providing space for the conference on Friday.