Venue: Centre for Urban Innovation, 44 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, ON, M5B 1G3
+ 10.00 - 11.15 AM | SciComm 101
This workshop is designed to introduce students and professionals to the science communication realm prior to the official start of the conference. It will give a brief overview of the Canadian context and introduce key players, accronyms and concepts that will be encountered over the course of the conference.
Attendees can expect to meet some cool people who share an interest in SciComm, reflect on their own SciComm goals and values, and learn a bit more about the sector. All are welcome to attend.
+ 11.15 - 12.15 AM | SciComm Show & Tell
A showcase of some of the exciting SciComm initiatives happening in and around the GTA.
+ 12.30 - 1.45 PM | Panel: If I Had a Million Dollars
If you had a million dollars to spend on one area of Canadian science communication, what would you spend it on?
2.00 - 3.30 PM | Concurrent Breakout Sessions
+ 2.00 - 3.30 PM | 'Podagogy': The Power of Podcasting as a Tool for Science Communication
Have you ever considered starting a science-themed podcast? Or wondered what features listeners find most engaging? Drawing on evidence-based practices, this workshop explores the key science communication strategies that popular science podcasts use to get listeners interested in science learning. Discover how to create engaging content through practical, hands-on activities, including how to get people involved in your podcast, how to connect with guest speakers, and how to run a dynamic podcast interview.
+ 2.00 - 3.30 PM | The Art of Telling Better Scientific Stories
This workshop provides practical strategies from linguistics and rhetorical studies to help you craft a variety of scientific communications for a diverse range of audiences. Understand models for better communication based on careful linguistic and rhetorical analysis of published articles, abstracts, and other genres. Explore strategies for online forms of scicomm, including blogs and crowdfunding proposals, and discover practical tips on crafting compelling narratives that ethically communicate your science. All levels of experience welcome.
+ 2.00 - 2.45 PM | Fostering Dialogue for Public Engagement with Science
As SciComm moves away from the “knowledge deficit” model and one-way communication, dialogue is a collaborative process. It sees all participants - experts, laymen, extroverted, introverted - as having knowledge and a voice to contribute, stressing active listening for mutual understanding. This interactive session builds on established research to engage participants with creative, non-traditional activities that seek to give everyone a voice, not just those comfortable speaking, and to build skills in effectively facilitating dialogue about science.
+ 2.45 - 3.30 PM | Panel: Are We Selling or Selling Out Science?
There's a natural tension between use of scientific communication by institutions and other agendas such as philanthropy. This panel will address the issue from both sides - the need to attract awareness and support and the need to ensure what is communicated is not hyperbole or exaggeration. This relates to trust in science, especially when there is misrepresentation of facts and over-promising of, for example, cures.
+ 3.45 - 4.45 PM | Panel: How to Succeed in SciComm
Panellists share their experiences establishing careers in science communication. From consulting to writing to influencing, discover more about the unusual career landscapes in science communication, and how you can stand out from the crowd.
+ 4.45 - 5.30 PM | Speed Networking
An opportunity to meet lots of different people working across the science communication field and strike up a collaboration or two (Pro tip: bring lots of business cards!)
+ 7 - 9.30 PM | Evening Entertainment: Spark After Dark
- Supermarket Restaurant & Bar, 268 Augusta Avenue
A prime opportunity for us to put theory into practice, with a diverse group of Torontonians taking the stage to get creative about the world around us in the form of spoken word, comedy, song, dance, and more. Join us for an entertaining event and great networking opportunity! More information.