Pint of Science

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Thirsty for knowledge? Every year, Pint of Science Canada brings scientists and the public together in local pubs. For the 2020 edition, the international science outreach festival broke new ground, hosting talks online on May 11-13 to celebrate its 5th birthday

What would it be like to live on Mars? How can chemistry help us to make better whisky? Are birds actually dinosaurs? These are just some of the questions that researchers answered during Pint of Science Canada 2020. Over 3 consecutive days, researchers presented their latest discoveries online so audiences could learn and enjoy a drink safely at home. ‘’Our goal is to make science accessible to everyone, by making it fun and interactive. We had to innovate this year to keep the festival running! This was a great opportunity for us to include scientists from all over the country as well as Canadians living abroad’’, explains Alexandra Gellé, Director of Pint of Science Canada and a PhD student at McGill University. 

With multiple events to choose from every evening, the festival mingles all areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and included speakers from more remote areas. Sebastian Jones from Yellowstone Conservation Initiative talked about preservation of wetlands in the Yukon and Dr. Brian Wagner from Prince Edward Island explored fluorescent molecules in our everyday life. The full program is available to view on Crowdcast now:

About Pint of Science: Pint of Science is a non-profit organization which quickly took off around the world since its creation in 2013 in the UK. In 2019, 397 cities worldwide organized events, gathering more than 140,000 participants. Quench your thirst for knowledge this year by joining one of 54 virtual presentations organized by Pint of Science Canada 2020!