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SciCommTO Social

  • Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 489 College Street Toronto, ON, M6G 1A5 Canada (map)

Are you a practicing or aspiring science communicator based in the GTA? Join SciCommTO for our first social of 2025! See what your colleagues are up to and identify new opportunities for partnership and collaboration.

Please RSVP by March 31, 2025.

Code of Conduct

By attending this event, you agree to adhere to the code of conduct. 

RCIScience strives to create a welcoming, accessible and lively environment for everyone to connect with science in innovative and insightful ways.  We believe that diversity in science brings new perspectives, including ones that may challenge your viewpoints. We expect everyone to treat each other with respect and dignity, and embrace the diversity of opinions, backgrounds, and experiences within the RCIScience community. Discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age, or any other protected characteristic as outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code and Canada Human Rights Act will not be tolerated. Notify event organizers if you notice someone in distress. All reports will be treated with confidentiality and respect.