L-R: RCIScience staff, Kirsten Vanstone and Carrie Boyce
As if 2020 hasn’t brought enough changes, it’s time we let you know that Kirsten Vanstone is stepping down from her position as Executive Director of RCIScience after seven great years! She heads West along College Street to take on an exciting new role at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences.
In the meantime, we are delighted to announce that our Programs Manager, Carrie Boyce, will step into the role of interim Executive Director and continue the work she has been so deeply involved in for the last two years.
A message from Kirsten:
It has been a great privilege to help steer RCIScience onto its current path. Over the last seven years, interest in communicating science has grown tremendously. This is at the heart of RCIScience and the pandemic has demonstrated that what we do is critical to the future of society. I am proud of the platform we have built to connect Canadians with science, one that is actively sought out by people across the country and from beyond our borders. I am very pleased that Carrie will stay on and continue to work towards the vision of RCIScience that she has been instrumental in shaping.
Personally, being surrounded by RCI's history all day has been a dream! And, of course, I've had the great pleasure of meeting and working with all of the wonderful Board members, volunteers and Institute members, not to mention an array of speakers and table hosts that makes my inner nerd very dizzy! Thank you, once again, for giving your time to this great organization and for supporting the work we've done over the last 7 years.